Tuesday, January 31, 2012


What does sustainability mean to YOU?!

This month our focus is on sustainability.
Here are some ways we can practice:

How can I be more sustainable?

We can all improve how we live and become more sustainable. There are lots of ways you can make your lifestyle greener.  Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Be energy efficient

  • Turn down your heating by 1 degree, it will save you money and help to reduce climate change!
  • Don’t leave your TV or other electricals on standby. Some will still use almost as much energy as when they are on!
  • Buy low energy equipment e.g. Fridges, freezers, light bulbs – Look for ‘A’ ratings or higher, as these are the most efficient.

Improve your insulation - over half the heat lost from your home escapes through the walls and roof.

Reduce your waste

  • Think about what you buy and whether you really need it. Do you really want to waste your cash on stuff that will go in the bin? Research found the average UK household spends £424 p.a. on food that goes in the bin.  Soggy lettuce was the most common thing people threw away unused!
  • Try to re-use stuff e.g. use empty jars or plastic containers for storage, supply local nurseries with cardboard tubes or consider donating to charity.
  • Recycle as much as you can from what is left. In Sefton you can recycle paper, cans (aerosols and foil), glass, textiles and shoes in your green box. Residents can also recycle their garden waste and kitchen waste  – all collected from your home.

Shop smart

  • If you can, buy local in season produce. This will help to avoid goods being shipped around the world, when it could be being produced down the road!
  • Look out for the Fairtrade mark. This shows that the producer has been paid a fair price for the goods and helps to ensure sustainable practices have been used when it was produced.
  • Take a bag out with you when you go shopping – did you know the average person collects over 300 carrier bags every year!

Travel wisely

  • In our modern world we all need to travel – but we can make choices, try to leave the car at home for short journeys and walk or cycle, its good for the environment and good for your health.
  • Consider getting the train or bus for journeys into towns. They can often be faster where there are traffic jams and you don’t need to worry about finding parking.
  • When you buy your next car look out for the fuel efficiency rating.  The more efficient models will save you money on fuel and vehicle tax as well as reducing your carbon emissions.

Support your community

  • Consider giving a bit of your time to community projects, by being a member of a residents group or becoming a volunteer.
  • Have your say – when the opportunity arises, give your views/vote. Local groups do want to know what the community think.
  • Provide an example to others – if your neighbors or colleagues see you acting e.g. putting out a recycling box, they are more likely to act too!

Thursday, January 12, 2012